Saturday, June 25, 2011

First post!

I had this whole thing written out on my iphone while I was sitting at my layover in the Dublin airport, and boy was it a downer of a post.  It's probably a good thing I lost it due.  So we're going to start this in a good way!

Today was pride today in Paris (like I'm sure it was for most of the rest of the world too), and there were many good spirits and much pride, but the French used it as an excuse to imbibe alcohol on an inhuman level and take off their clothes.  French do this on a fairly regular basis, but this was OUT OF CONTROL.  I saw like 5 fights and people falling over drunk at noon.  I mean, I guess I should be used to that from Flunk Day and all, but still.  It made me laugh.  There were half-naked men there, and even more naked women, and LOTS of crossdressers and drag queens.  I wish I had taken pictures!  Unfortunately for me and my sister, we were caught completely unawares that it was Pride and the two of us were on our way to pick up about 300 Euros worth of food, so alas, no cameras.  And you all know how difficult it is to catch me sans camera.

But all in all a really good time.  I saw Louis XIV's eternal resting place and sang him a little song about how cool he is when no one else was around.  I can't believe how much of a nerd I am!  It's been fun hanging out with my sister soon as I left for Knox and she left for boarding school we hardly get to see each other.  This is probably the most time we've spent together in the past couple of years, and it's been fun!


I'll jot down some of the thoughts I had on my phone previous to my losing them (hopefully) on Monday when I'm on the train to Besançon, but who knows if I'll even be able to sit still!  I miss Besak to a level I can't even explain, especially after Paris, which has lost almost all of it's charm for me.  When I was 16 and here for the first time I was without a care in the world, and now each time I come back, it seems like I have more and more responsibilities to my aging aunt, and the city life is just way too stressful.  There are a million and one things I have to make sure are ok and ready, and I no longer see the glamour that most people see/saw/lived.  Living in a smaller city, like Besak is just so much more enticing for me.  And only 2 days until I'm back!

Some photos to tide you over....taken with my new iPhone!  I promise more interesting photos will make their way to this blog.

Until next time!

Les Jardins du Notre Dame de Paris - with a silly filter.

Taken at the Musée D'Orsay, this animal is what I want as my next pet.  Forget about a Belyaev's Fox, I want a half horse, half eagle that I can use to sweep naked maidens off their feet.

A sign on the door of my aunt's reads "bikes do not enter here." You can kinda see the stairs in the background and see that it's a fairly schnazzy, classic French building.

The view from my favorite spot of my favorite Parisian church, Saint Gervais.

Some weird 'jardin éphémère" that they set up right next to the Hôtel de Ville.  Not sure how it's ephemeral, but if you stand from a certain point, you get this image.  Otherwise it's just a bunch of weird, artificially sculpted lawns with random white lines through them.

Me crying with two angels at the tomb of Louis XIV

First attempt at an egg, cheese and broccoli crêpe.

Second attempt.

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour Sarah,
    Mail me crepes par avion s'il vous plait.
    Merci. Le chat est sur la table.
    Je ne sais quoi,
